Badges For Enrolled TUC Students
Enrolled Touro University California students can showcase their competencies and broaden their skills, abilities, and knowledge with our digital badges.
A variety of curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular badge-based learning opportunities that are available to you as a TUC student. Learn more about badges & micro-credentials.
Community Wellness Badges
The Community Wellness program is a Touro University California initiative that provides enrolled students an opportunity to explore how to effectively identify and decrease your stress and anxiety levels, reduce burnout, and discover ways to improve self-care in yourself and others. The program was created around six short courses that are designed to be relaxed, informative, and interactive.
There are two ways that current students can participate in the Community Wellness program. The first way you can participate is by completing a two-hour train-the-trainer program that allows you to be a peer educator who facilitates a particular course, which will result in a skills badge. The second way you can participate is by completing a two-hour training session on one or more of the topics, which will result in an experiential badge.
Skills and experiential badges are available in the following health and wellness courses:
- cultural humility,
- resiliency training,
- safe zone training,
- substance abuse prevention,
- suicide prevention, and
- trauma informed care.
How to Apply
If you are interested in joining the program, please subscribe to the Community Wellness Program group on TUConnect.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching Badge
The Interprofessional Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching for Underserved Communities Credit Badge is associated with an interprofessional course available to current Touro University California students. This course discusses obesity causes, assessment, practical nutrition and lifestyle modification tips to tackle obesity. In this course you’ll discuss how to lead a coaching session to effectively deliver nutrition and lifestyle modification tips to the general public, targeting underserved communities. You’ll apply what you learn through mock interviews and immediate feedback from course instructor(s). This course aims to inspire you to modify your nutrition and lifestyle choices towards improved cardiovascular health outcomes, as well as gain the fundamental coaching skills needed to effectively disseminate the acquired knowledge to your family and community.
After you successfully complete this badge, you will be able to:
- list obesity causes and assessment tools;
- discuss considerations in coaching;
- identify and apply the four constructs of the 5-2-1-0 curriculum;
- develop a plan to implement each construct of the curriculum and apply that plan to a specific scenario; and
- practice acquired skills with immediate feedback from registered dietitian.
How to Apply
Students can enroll in this course each spring semester by registering for IPEC-674. For more information contact Dr. Farid Khalafalla at fkhalafa@touro.edu.
Opioid Use Disorders Badge
The Understanding and Managing Opioid Use Disorders Credit Badge & Managing Opioid Use Disorders Service Activity Experiential Badge is associated with an interprofessional course available to current Touro University California students. This course provides you with the opportunity to build your knowledge around opioid use disorder from the basic science to clinical medicine. Through an interprofessional approach, you will have the opportunity to partner with other students from a variety of health care disciplines. The badge covers the six major topics identified by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as key knowledge for healthcare providers to improve care for patients with opioid use disorder, including:
- core concepts of addiction including prevention and risk factors;
- screening, assessment, and intervention;
- substance use disorder medicine;
- harm reduction;
- and overdose treatment.
Additionally, TUC students who complete the Understanding and Managing Opioid Use Disorders Credit Badge can also complete the Managing Opioid Use Disorders Service Activity Experiential Badge. This experiential badge is awarded to individuals who have performed at least 20 hours of opioid use disorders service. You must complete a variety of service activities, with no more than two or three activities of the same type/location comprising no more than 75% of your total hours.
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:
- identify core concepts of addiction including prevention and risk factors;
- screen and diagnosis of opioid use disorder;
- generate a comprehensive effective treatment plan for opioid use disorder;
- create an individualized harm reduction plan; and
- utilize nasal naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses in emergency situations.
How to Apply
Only students who are enrolled in the Opioid Use Disorders (OUD) Fellowship elective (IPEC-661) are eligible to for these badges. Please contact Greg Gayer at ggayer@touro.edu for more information about the application process and deadline.