Primary Care Fellowship
To Serve. To Lead. To Teach.
Touro University's very mission is embodied in our College of Osteopathic Medicine Primary Care Academic Predoctoral Teaching Fellowship.
Primary Care Academic Predoctoral Teaching Fellowship
Touro University California's College of Osteopathic Medicine Primary Care Academic Predoctoral Teaching Fellowship (PCD Fellowship) represents a unique scholarly opportunity within the Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health. The Fellowship enriches the educational resources available to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree program and fosters development of future primary care educators.
PCD Fellows:
- Are involved in the development and implementation of TUC COM curricula
- Have opportunities to enhance their osteopathic professional connections
- Make substantial clinical/didactic inquiries
- Develop medical education delivery concepts and skills
- Conduct original research and disseminate their results
The program includes a stipend as well as tuition relief.
Fellowship Details
When to apply: You will apply for the PCD Fellowship in the fall of your second year. You will receive notification of acceptance toward the end of the fall semester.
Length of the program: The fellowship adds one year to your medical school education. Fellows extend graduation from the DO program by one year.
How it fits into the DO Program: Fellows begin once third year core rotations are complete. Your fourth and fifth years of school are divided into 6-month blocks, alternating between Fellow service on campus, and routine clinical rotations off campus.
Fellows Are Expected To:
Attend continuity clinics one (1) day each week while serving as an academic fellow either fall or spring semester. First year of fellowship will be at a primary care office, while the second year of fellowship will be at the campus OMM teaching lab.
Mentor and teach first- and second-year students 3-6 half-days each week as assigned by the Fellowship Director. This includes both time spent in preparation as well as execution of teaching duties such as:
- Delivery of one or more lectures for each on-campus service period, with appropriate mentorship by senior faculty.
- Leadership of one or more labs for each on-campus service period, with appropriate mentorship by senior faculty.
- Facilitating Osteopathic Doctoring labs.
- Tutoring and leading review sessions.
- Administering make up activities or other educational duties.
- Creating and administering formative and summative student evaluations including Osteopathic Doctoring practicals.
Attend all regular and special Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health meetings.
Initiate and participate in research or other scholarly activities that lead to a project that is completed before the end of their 5th year, prior to graduation. The project must include a physical deliverable. In the past, Fellows' final projects have included such things as:
- A student-focused blog
- Patient educational materials
- A community-oriented healthcare project
- New teaching curriculum